Isaac Newton Primary is part of CIT Academies
01476 568616

‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ in Behaviour

‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ in Behaviour

two pupils during lesson time

We are delighted to inform you that following our Ofsted inspection on 11th and 12th February 2025, Isaac Newton School has been graded ‘Good’ in all areas, with ‘Outstanding’ in behaviour.

Ofsted reported: “There is a wonderful climate of ambition, kindness and care at this school. Because of this, pupils behave and achieve extremely well. They are committed to their school and keen to learn. Lessons are calm. Routines are well understood. Pupils show each other respect. They are an absolute credit to the school and to the community.”

The inspector also commented that highly effective safeguarding arrangements are in place and pupils’ welfare is top of everyone’s list: “The school is a fierce advocate for pupils and their families. Skilled and
knowledgeable staff work relentlessly to address the barriers to learning that some pupils face. Pupils are helped to leave adversity at the school door, to feel safe and to learn.”

They describe the school as their ‘happy place’: “Children receive a great start to their education. They show perseverance and enthusiasm for learning new things. They are prepared well for their next steps in education.”

David Milner, Headteacher said: “As a whole school, we are very proud of this outcome. The staffing team here are tremendously hard working and care about the children who attend the school. I couldn’t be prouder of them and the pupils. As a school, we try to go over and above providing a high-quality education; delivering as many sporting and trip opportunities as we can, so that we prepare the children well for their next steps in education.”

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