We are proud of our school uniform and the sense of belonging that it brings.

It is hoped that all parents will support us in our view that every child should wear our school uniform. We have a uniform code based on our belief that uniform enhances a feeling of pride, belonging and ownership of our school. It also makes a busy parent’s life much easier, as it removes the discussion and competition that can surround what to wear each day.
All school uniform can be ordered through the school office or online via our uniform supplier – MAPAC.
Uniform expectations are for children to wear grey sweatshirt/Cardigan, white shirt/polo shirt and grey or black trousers/skirt. (These do not need to be branded with the Isaac Newton logo). To avoid injury children should always wear sensible black shoes (not trainers) that cover the majority of their feet. As such, high heels, sandals and any other strapped footwear should not be worn to school.
Finally for PE, children should wear a black t-shirt with black shorts. For outdoor PE during the winter, children should wear a jumper/sweatshirt and jogging bottoms to keep them warm. Earrings must be removed for all PE lessons for safety reasons; tape will not be offered as an alternative to this. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that they are able to remove their own earrings as staff cannot do this for pupils. Alternatively, children can choose not to wear earrings to school on their PE days.